Ashraful Kabir*, Tania Zaman
Department of Biology, Cantonment Public School and College, Saidpur Cantonment—5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh
*Corresponding author: Ashraful Kabir, Department of Biology, Cantonment Public School and College, Saidpur Cantonment—5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh, Phone: +88-01712563750; E-mail: [email protected]
Received Date: February 25, 2025
Published Date: March 07, 2025
Citation: Kabir A, et al. (2025). Hereditary Divergence in Pigeons. Mathews J Vet Sci. 9(3):68.
Copyrights: Kabir A, et al. © (2025).
As an accessible bird, the pigeon could be perfect for observing many deviations of genetics. Bangladesh is full of many colorful pigeons where genomic incidents are common. Pigeon breeders, pet shop, and pigeon market of Bangladesh possesses many colorful pigeons. In addition, personal experiences and oral history helped a lot to understand genetic incidents as a whole. Sometimes, few colors were confusing but online materials clarified those queries. The results suggested ten genetic phenomena after Mendel caused by natural and artificial breeding. These findings suggest further studies as adequate viable pairs to prove deviations with their ratio to step forward of Mendel's Law of Inheritance.
Keywords: Incomplete Dominance, Co-Dominance, Lethal Gene, Epistasis, Complementary Gene, Supplementary Gene, Polygene, Multiple Allele, Atavism, Pleiotropism, Pigeons.