Eduardo Becker Nicoliche
University of Rio de Janeiro
Dr. Eduardo Becker Nicoliche He holds a Postgraduate in Human Performance Sciences in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Bachelor's degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Master’s at Physical Education by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Currently a Research Fellow of Neuromuscular Research Laboratory (Pneuro-INTO), Collaborating Researcher at the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Attention of the IPUB-UFRJ, Vice President of the Institute Running for Life, Guest Professor of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Neurosciences, Sport and Physical Activity of the Federal University of Rio of January, invited Professor of the Training Course in Interdisciplinary Cognitive Rehabilitation & Disabilities.
Member of editorial board of World Journal of Surgery and Surgical Research, Orthopedics and Rheumatology, Juniper Online Journal of Orthopedic & Orthoplastic Surgery, The Open Orthopedics Journal, Journal of Orthopedics and Muscular System Research, Advances in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Annals of Reviews & Research.
Research Interest
Motor Learning and Control
Sports Medicine
Motor Sensory Evaluation
Sense of joint position
Anterior cruciate ligament