Author : Michael D Levin*
Citation : Levin MD. (2025). Embryological Development of Persistent Cloaca. Hypothesis. Mathews J Surg. 8(1):37.
Authors : Badr Drai*, Yassine Ait M’barek, Lamia Benantar, Khalid Aniba
Citation : Drai B, et al. (2025). Gastrointestinal Complications after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt for Pediatric Hydrocephalus: A Case Report and Literature Review. Mathews J Surg. 8(1):36.
Author : Mark L Walker M.D., F.A.C.S*
Citation : Walker ML. (2025). Trauma Laparotomy: A Surgical Odyssey. Mathews J Surg. 8(1):35.