Takeshi Nishimura1,4*, Yoshihiko Kadowaki2, Kenji Hattori2, Takefumi Doi3, Ayako Watanabe2, Nobuhito Kubota2, Takahiro Okamoto2, Nobuhiro Ishido2, Toshihiko Sakamoto3, Atsunori Nakao4, Satoshi Ishihara1, Shinichi Nakayama1
2Department of Surgery, Kobe Red Cross Hospital, Japan.
3Department of Thoracic Surgery, Kobe Red Cross Hospital, Japan.
4Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Okayama University Hospital, Japan.
Corresponding Author: Nishimura T, Hyogo Emergency Medical Center, Japan, Tel: +81-78-241-3131; Email: [email protected]
Received Date: 30 Dec 2016
Accepted Date: 27 Jan 2017
Published Date: 01 Feb 2017
Copyright © 2017 Nishimura T
Citation:Nishimura T, Kadowaki Y, Hattori K, Doi T, et al. (2017). An Adult Case of Congenital Bronchoesophageal Fistula . Mathews J Surgery 1(1): 004.
Background: Although bronchoesophageal fistula (BEF) is well-known as congenital disease, adult cases of BEF are extremely rare. Clinician should be care of different diagnosis and treatment of BEF. Case: A 47-year-old man was admitted to our emergency department with complaints of dyspnea and refractory cough. Computed tomography and upper gastrointestinal fiberscopy revealed a fistulous tract running from the esophagus to the left lower bronchus lobe. He had no history of trauma and histological findings did not show malignancy or infectious disease. Result: Left lower lobectomy, primary suture of the esophagus, and intercostal muscle patch were performed; however, suture insufficiency was recognized. After additional retrograde esophageal drainage through the stomach, the patient was uneventfully discharged on post admission day 48. Histopathological findings presented no abnormal tissue. Conclusion: BEF in an adult is rare but curable. Surgery is a definitive treatment.
Bronchoesophageal Fistula; Congenital; Adult.