Mathews Journal of Sports Medicine


Current Issue Volume 3, Issue 2 - 2023

Effects of Occupational Hazard on Employee Health and Productivity in Case of Academic Institutions

Mequanint Birhan1,*, Migbaru Endawoke2

Industrial Engineering Lecturer, Mizan Tepi University, Ethiopia

Nursing Lecturer, Dilla University, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Mequanint Birhan, Industrial Engineering Lecturer, Mizan Tepi University, Ethiopia; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: March 30, 2023

Publication Date:  April 28, 2023

Citation: Birhan M, et al. (2023). Effects of Occupational Hazard on Employee Health and Productivity in Case of Academic Institutions. Mathews J Sports Med. 3(2):009.

Copyright: Birhan M, et al. © (2023)


Occupational hazard is experienced at the work place which is related to the work like noise, chemicals, vibration, temperature, dust, over work load etc. While occupational health is concerned with the impact of work on worker health and well-being. From work places university in most countries is also large, growing, includes employers with widely varying organizational cultures, and involves high risk exposures. Hence the objective of the study is to determine occupational effect on workers‟ health and productivity in Ethiopia higher education institutions selected samples by identifying anthropometric elements mainly injured when none ergonomically operate day to day jobs and roughly estimating the loss in birr of occupational injury/productivity. In Ethiopia civil service declaration an employee of the government is expected to work a minimum of 8hours/day even though reality in the ground is different. Because sometimes absent staffs observed and presented employees are stay perhaps 2hrs/day work as an average. To gather the data naturally capturing the workers in their working places through camera and Measurement tools are conducted to all parameters/respondents. A Well designed Interview and questioner were distributed for key informants to Investigate which body part is mainly damaged usually. Structured checklist to explore the status of occupational safety, health services and related morbidity and 60 literatures were collected in order to describe the type and prevalence of work related hazards, patterns of industries and of workforce. Books, journals, other published/unpublished research’s works are collected from web of science, goggle scholar and research get, then 25 articles selected and reviewed by prioritize according to the relevance and closeness percentage. A total of 13 participants included in the study. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques have done on jobs that were selected in exposed employees. Therefore the impact of occupation hazard on two things is very high, needs action.

Keywords: Academic Institution, Health, International Labor Organization (ILO), Mine Safety And Health Administration (MSHA), National Institute For Occupational Safety And Health (NIOSH), Occupational Hazard, OSH,  Productivity, Occupational Contact Dermatitis (OCD), Personal Protective Materials/Equipment (PPE/M)

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