Authors : Ramakrishnan V*, Lenika A
Citation : Ramakrishnan V, et al. (2021). Genetic variants associated with Persistent Depressive Disorder. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. (6)1:31.
Author : Deborah Hilton
Citation : Hilton D. (2021). Art Therapy and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic - Public Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. (6)1:30.
Authors : Mania Askari1, Fatemeh Ayoobi2, Zahra Sherafat3, Parvane Rashidpour4, Seyed-Ali Mostafavi5, Reza Bidaki4,6*
Citation : Bidaki R, et al. (2021). Prevalence of Masturbation and it’s Predisposing Factors in Children Referred to Psychiatric Clinic of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. (6)1:29
Authors : Ethan Ramirez1*, Bardia Adibmoradi1, Marie Bourgeois2
Citation : Ramirez E, et al. (2021). Kratom in America: Legal Differences Across Federal, State, and Local Jurisdictions. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. (6)1:28.