Sergey Fadyushin1, Annette Kayak2, Elena Vereshchagina3
1Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
2,3Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Vladivostok, Russia
Corresponding Author: Sergey Fadyushin* Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
Received Date: May 13, 2019
Published Date: Aug 5, 2019
Copyright ©2019 Fadyushin S, et al.
Citation: Fadyushin S, Kayak A and Vereshchagina E. (2019). The Meaning of Statements in Thought Disorders. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. (4)1: 24
Background and Objectives In psychiatry, a great role is played by the knowledge of psychopathology, psychiatric semiotics, without which the practical work of a psychiatrist is impossible. A special place in psychiatric semiotics belongs to thought disorders, which symptoms are difficult to define. There are some contradictions in their description and interpretation, but the fact that thought disorders are reflected in the speech of patients is beyond question. Studies of the nature of the relationship between thinking and speech have not yet led to an unequivocal result. Therefore, there is a need to study the diagnostic value of the patients’ statements in mental illnesses associated with the pathology of thinking. This is the purpose of this research.
Methods The paper used the author’s method of assessing the meaning of the patients’ statements by comparing with a reference meaningful text.
Results The author analyzed some examples of statements by patients with speech incoherence and schizophasia. The obtained results confirm the main hypothesis of the study: the statements of patients a priori have at least some share of meaning.
Conclusions If a person has problems with thinking and has lost the ability to think consciously, then his/her statements (text, speech) will be deprived of the part of meaning that allows one to freely perceive and understand their sense. However, these statements will contain meaning.
The research results are a discussion paper. It provides a theoretical justification for the hypothesis put forward on the existence of meaning in the statements of patients with thinking disorders. The paper is recommended for discussion and may be of interest to researchers of thought disorder and practicing psychiatrists.
Keywords: Meaning; Thought disorder; Speech; Speech incoherence; Schizophasia