Mathews Journal of Psychiatry & Mental Health


Previous Issues Volume 10, Issue 1 - 2025

A Theory of Huntington's Disease: Phenocopy, Frame Shift and Rate Equation

Eugen Tarnow*

18-11 Radburn Road, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410, USA

*Corresponding Author: Eugen Tarnow, 18-11 Radburn Road, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410, USA, Phone: +16462290787, Email: [email protected]

Received Date: October 08, 2024

Published Date: January 03, 2025

Citation: Tarnow E. (2025). A Theory of Huntington's Disease: Phenocopy, Frame Shift and Rate Equation. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. 10(1):48.

Copyrights: Tarnow E. (2025).


Huntington’s disease (HD) is one of the most well defined “repeat diseases”, associated with a short repeated genetic sequence, CAG. Recent research points to the possibility that HD is caused by a frame shift. Here is presented three pieces of evidence that supports the frame shift hypothesis. First, taking into account that a phenocopy of HD has a different repeat that is associated with a different gene, I suggest that the Huntingtin gene is not important for HD, only the repeat sequence is. Second, taking into account that a phenocopy of HD has a CTG repeat rather than a CAG repeat, and that the toxin should be the same for both disease types and that the third base in a codon is the least important, I propose the reading frame is shifted for the repeat expansions and the A/T difference occurs on the least important third base. The most likely sense and antisense reading frames are then (GCA)n and (GCT)n and the corresponding amino acid is polyalanine as previously suggested. Third, I suggest that the age of onset relationship follows a rate equation based on the frame shift. If the concentration is proportional to the probability of creating a polyalanine of length m in a repeat expansion of length n, the corresponding equation is borne out by the data on age of onset and repeat length and m is found to be about 30.6 (the onset for infinite age).

Keywords: Huntington’s Disease, CAG, Kinetics, Repeat Expansions.

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