Allen B Richon1,*, Merry Ambos Richon2
1Scientific Officer, Kiss My Itch Goodbye, Washington, USA
2Chief Executive Officer, Kiss My Itch Goodbye, Washington, USA
*Corresponding author: Allen B Richon, PhD, Scientific Officer, Kiss My Itch Goodbye, Washington, DC 20008, USA, Tel: (828)817-0014; E-mail: [email protected].
Received Date: September 20, 2023
Published Date: October 11, 2023
Citation: Richon AB, et al. (2023). Four-Week Safety and Acceptability Study of 15% Bromelain Topical Lotion: An Open Label, Non-Comparative, Triple-Arm Study. Mathews J Pharma Sci. 7(3):21.
Copyrights: Richon AB, et al. © (2023).
Pruritus is a common and distressing skin disorder and treatment of itch is a daily problem for millions of people. Available therapies are ineffective and there is an urgent need for new topical treatments to relieve itch. Studies were undertaken to identify the optimal concentration of a natural therapeutic for the relief of itch and to assess the safety of this agent in dermal application with six volunteers. In the initial study, six volunteers with self-diagnosed atopic dermatitis applied a lotion containing concentrations ranging from 5 to 25 weight percent of 1200 Gelatin Dissolving Units (GDU) bromelain to their skin and noted any discomfort caused to the area and the amount of symptomatic relief that was obtained. Based on this study, 15 weight percent of 1200 GDU bromelain suspended in lotion was selected for further testing. For the safety study, a total of thirty subjects were randomized into three pools and participants in each pool applied the lotion to their arms, backs, or legs on a daily basis. After four weeks, all the participants had completed the study and none had reported an adverse event. The lotion was found to be safe and effective when applied topically on a daily basis.
Keywords: Pruritus, Bromelain, Safety Study, Efficacy Study.