Mathews Journal of Pharmaceutical Science


Previous Issues Volume 7, Issue 3 - 2023

Desensitization in a Patient with Hypersensitivity to the Iodinated Contrast Medium Iopromide: A Clinical Case Report

Dadier Antonio Arroyo1,2,*, Linda Atencio1, Jorge Pérez Velásquez3, María Camila Coronado1, Meribeth Henry4, Maria Alejandra Suarez2, Daniela Katerine Rivera2


1Clínica Centro S.A, Barranquilla, Colombia
2Grupo de investigación en farmacia asistencial y farmacología (GIFAF), Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
3Clínica Santa Ana De Dios, Barranquilla, Colombia
4Residencia en Medicina Interna, Colombia

*Corresponding Author: Dadier Antonio Arroyo, Monterroza, Calle 40 N° 41 – 110, Colombia; Tel: 301 4862898; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: 22  September, 2023

Published Date: 3 November, 2023

Citation: Arroyo DA, et al. (2023). Desensitization in a Patient with Hypersensitivity to the Iodinated Contrast Medium Iopromide: A Clinical Case Report. Mathews J Pharma Sci. 7(3):23.

Copyrights: Arroyo DA, et al. © (2023). 

Introduction: A contrast agent is a substance that, when introduced into the body, it makes possible to observe organs anatomically, or tumors at a pathological level. These contrast media are administered daily to many people, unfortunately they eventually produce adverse reactions, which in some cases can be lethal. Objective: Describe the desensitization process in a patient with hypersensitivity to the iodinated contrast medium iopromide. Results: A case of a male patient with hypersensitivity is introduced to contrast medium, who underwent angioplasty to achieve a positive result within minutes after administrating 2998.83 mg/mL of iopromide (300 mg/mL) without any associated post-surgical complications, resulting in a favorable clinical outcome and the patient was medically discharged thereafter. Conclusion: The desensitization process is an opportunity that would allow different procedures and/or complementary studies to be carried out quickly and safely in order to clarify diagnoses and therapeutics. Therefore, this process must be carried out by multidisciplinary personnel trained in the management of hypersensitivity states.
Keywords: hypersensitivity, contrast agent, iopromide, immunological desensitization

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