Xinyi Jiang
Research associate
Stanford University
Dr. Xinyi Jiang has extensive expertise in developing biomaterials-based platforms for drug delivery, tissue engineerings like ontogenesis and cartilage regeneration. His recent work has resulted in 20 papers in highly selective journals in the field of biomaterials, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and orthopedic surgery. During his Ph.D. study at Fudan University (China), under the supervision of an advisor (Prof. X.L. Fang), he and co-Investigators successfully completed a 973 program, the largest available National Key Basic Research Program in China (16,270,000). They have successfully received grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality. During his postdoctoral study at Stanford University, he honored 2 postdoctoral fellowships. Now he is working as a research associate in Fan Yang’s research team at Stanford University School of medicine.
Research Interest
Stem cells and non-viral gene delivery in scaffold for enhancing bone regeneration and cartilage regeneration. And also focus on biomaterials synthesis and stem cells reprogramming in 3-D scaffolds for tissue regeneration, and non-viral based gene delivery.