Manit Arora1
1Adjunct Associate Lecturer, University of New England, Australia.
1Conjoint Associate Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia.
1Honorary Adjunct Senior Teaching Fellow, Bond University, Australia.
1Undergraduate Research Supervisor, University of Queensland, Australia.
Corresponding Author:Manit Arora, Adjunct Associate Lecturer, University of New England, Australia, Tel: +61430770430;
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Received Date:13 Dec 2015
Accepted Date:03 Jan 2016
Published Date:08 Jan 2016
Copyright © 2016 Manit A
Citation: Manit A. (2016). America versus India: Who is Less Burned Out? Mathews J Orthop
. 1(1): 001.
Burnout is fast being recognized as a syndrome causing significant negative consequences for patients, doctors and health institutions. Whereas the rates of burnout in the West for orthopaedic surgeons are high with roughly one in two orthopaedic surgeons burned out; we found that the burn out rate in Indian orthopaedic surgeons is much lower at one in four. Nonetheless, there is a need for a four-tiered approach to tackle the burnout epidemic.