C. María Cáceres Toledo1,Odalys Cáceres Toledo2,María Eva Saavedra Saavedra3
1Second Degree Specialist in Ophthalmology. Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor and Principal Investigator.
2First Degree Specialist in Ophthalmology and MGI. Assistant Professor.
3nd MGI. Assistant Professor.
Corresponding Author: María Cáceres Toledo, Second Degree Specialist in Ophthalmology. Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor and Principal Investigator, Cuba, E-Mail: [email protected]
Received Date: 07 Sep 2018
Accepted Date: 14 Sep 2018
Published Date: 18 Sep 2018
Copyright © 2018 Toledo MC
Citation: Toledo MC, Toledo OC and Saavedra MES. (2018) Efficacy of the Supramaximal Technique in the Correction of Palpebral Ptosis. Randomized Surgical trial. Mathews J Ophthalmol 3(1): 020.
Introduction: The palpebral ptosis is defined as the fall of higher eyelid. According the millimeters of this type of fall it is classified in slight, moderate and severe.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of the Supramaximal technique in the repair of moderate and severe palpebral ptosis.
Material and Methods: 95 patients were studied in a first cut, receiving treatment with the Supramaximal or Suspension to frontal. To determine the therapeutically effectiveness a simple-blind randomized clinical trial was made. The effectiveness was assessed as regards fall of high eyelid, height of palpebral fold, distance of border reflex and satisfaction of the patient. Results: The mean age was of 59, 35 years old. There was an average of female sex and of white race. The 51.6% of study patients have a severe ptosis. The therapeutically effectiveness of the Supramaximal was higher to Suspension to frontal (96.7% y 86.2%) respectively
Conclusions : The Supramaximal as a surgical technique is more efficacious than the Suspension one to frontal in the correction of moderate and severe higher palpebral ptosis.
Ptosis; Supramaximal; Suspension to frontal; Therapeutically Effectiveness.