Mathews Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics


Previous Issues Volume 7, Issue 3 - 2024

Utilization of Tomato Pomace and Orange Peel Powders with Wheat Flour for the Production of Biscuits

Attia El Makhzangy1,* Ahmed MS Hussein2, Ahmed Nehad1, El-Shawaf A1

1Department of Food and dairy Science Technology, Faculty of Technology & Development, Zagazig University, Egypt

2FoodTechnology Department, Food Industries and nutrition Research Institute, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding author: Attia El Makhzangy, Department of Food and dairy Science Technology, Faculty of Technology & Development, Zagazig University, Egypt, E-mail: [email protected]

Received Date: April 10, 2024

Published Date: September 16, 2024

Citation: Elmakhzangy A, et al. (2024). Utilization of Tomato Pomace and Orange Peel Powders with Wheat Flour for the Production of Biscuits. Mathews J Nutr Diet. 7(3):39.

Copyrights: Elmakhzangy A, et al. © (2024).


This study was carried out to study the effect of substitution of soft wheat flour (SWF) with 3.0, 6.0, 9.0 and 12% of TPP and 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0% OPP on rheological, chemical, sensory characteristics, and texture profile of biscuits. Results showed that, farinograph parameters of SWF supplemented with TPP and OPP increment enhanced the water absorption, arrival time, dough development time, dough stability, the mixing tolerance index, and weakening. The biscuits fortified with TPP and OPP contained more fat, ash, and crude fiber compared to control. The experimental biscuits with TPP and OPP were darker in color than the control: the lightness (L*) decreased as the proportion of TPP and OPP increased. However, the experimental biscuits had a higher level of yellowness (b*) and redness values (a*).The partial replacement of SWF with TPP and OPP increased weight and thickness. While, specific volume and spread ratio decreased with increasing the level of substitution. Texture profile analysis of biscuits supplemented with different levels of OPP and TPP such as Hardness (N), Fracture Load Drop off (N) and Fracture Work Done (mj) were also studed. The overall susceptibility of biscuits fortified with 5% OPP was 97.5% followed by biscuits fortified with 10% OPP (95.2). Then biscuits fortified with 3% TPP where it was 94.4%. Then biscuit samples fortified with 15% opp (92.5%) compared with control sample .There are no significant differences between these transactions. However, the samples fortified with 5%, 10% and 15 % OPP demonstrated no significant changes in the sensory profile. Also, Wheat flour could be replaced by 3.0 % of TPP In the biscuit industry with good properties and high nutritional value.

Keywords: Tomato Pomace Powder (TPP), Orange Peel Powder (OPP), Chemical Composition, Rheological Properties, Baking Quality, Color Attributes, Texture Profile and Organoleptic Properties.

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