

Mathews Journal of Nursing and Health Care


Previous Issues

Volume 6, Issue 2 - 2024

Short Communication

Digital Psychiatry

Authors : Purohit Saraswati1,*, Priyadarshini2
Citation : Saraswati P, et al. (2024). Digital Psychiatry. Mathews J Nurs. 6(2):45.

Research Article

Courage as a Moderator of the Biochemical Stress Response in Military Nursing Students

Authors : Sergio Héctor Azzara1,*, Aldana Sol Grinhauz2, Diego Gonzalez3,4, Federico Fortuna5, Mariel Bravo3, Bibiana Fabre3,4
Citation : Azzara SH, et al. (2024). Courage as a Moderator of the Biochemical Stress Response in Military Nursing Students. Mathews J Nurs. 6(2):44.

Research Article

Nurses’ Optimal Implementation of Smoking Cessation Intervention: A Single-Institution Experience

Authors : Reiko KORI1, Kanji OTSUBO², Hiroki SAKAI², Hiroyuki KIMURA², Tomoyuki MIYAZAWA², Hideki MARUSHIMA², Koji KOJIMA², Masatoshi HARA3, Hisashi SAJI²,*
Citation : KORI R, et al. (2024). Nurses’ Optimal Implementation of Smoking Cessation Intervention: A Single-Institution Experience. Mathews J Nurs. 6(2):43.

Research Article

Scholarly Writing and the DNP Student

Author : Koenig Alexis*
Citation : Alexis A. (2024). Scholarly Writing and the DNP Student. Mathews J Nurs. 6(2):42.

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