Mathews Journal of Nursing and Health Care


Previous Issues Volume 7, Issue 1 - 2025

Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Emergency Drugs Among Nurses Working in Ambulance at Selected Areas in Karnataka

VG Veeresh*

Tutor, Government College of Nursing, KMCRI (Former KIMS) Hubli, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding author: Dr.VG Veeresh, Tutor, Government College of Nursing, KMCRI (Former KIMS) Hubli, Karnataka, India, Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]

Received Date: February 19, 2025

Published Date: March 21, 2025

Citation: Veeresh VG. (2025). Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Emergency Drugs Among Nurses Working in Ambulance at Selected Areas in Karnataka. Mathews J Nurs. 7(1):55.

Copyrights: Veeresh VG. © (2025).


Ambulance nurses are the first line of medical team during any causality, management of critical situation is essential and need sound judgment and clinical proficiency, nurses knowledge and application of emergency drugs will save the life of the patients, 69 ambulance nurses were selected using purposive sampling, to assess their knowledge and application of emergency drugs, the drugs which were focused are, adrenaline, atropine, adenosine, amidarone, nalaxone, nitroglycerin, furosemide, diazepam, noradernaline, magnesium sulphate, sodium bicarbonate, vasopressor, aspirin, lidocaine, pretest determined the knowledge and application level of  ambulance nurses, a structured education module was given to improvise their knowledge which in turn could help nurses in application of emergency drug use in critical situation, a posttest evaluated the improvement in level of knowledge, this data was statistically significant. The findings of the revealed that poor pretest knowledge score, this score was improved after education module which reflected in posttest knowledge scores. Study concluded that, education training was effective in improvising the knowledge of ambulance nurses on emergency drug and recommended the need for covering large group of ambulance nurses to effectively manage the critical ill patients and stabilize before reaching the emergency room at hospital.

Keywords: Emergency Drugs, Ambulance Nurses, Knowledge.

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