Mathews Journal of Nursing and Health Care


Previous Issues Volume 6, Issue 1 - 2024

Knowledge and Personal Determinants of Euthanasia in Caregivers of Patients with Terminal Illness, Sutiaba - León Iii Quarter 2022

López Muñoz Dulce María*,1, Flores López Jennyfer Gabriela2, Morales González Kenneth José 2, Urroz Hernández José Carlos2, Rocha Peña Víctor Saúl2

1Professor of the Nursing Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNAN León, Nicaragua

2Degree in Nursing Sciences, Professor of the Nursing Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNAN-León, Nursing students, UNAN León, Nicaragua

*Corresponding author: Dulce María López Muñoz, Degree in Nursing Sciences, Nursing Professor, Nursing School, Faculty of Medical Sciences UNAN León, Nicaragua; Tel: 8489-1094; Email: [email protected]

Received Date:  December 20, 2023

Published Date: January 02, 2024

Citation: María DMD, et al. (2024). Knowledge and Personal Determinants of Euthanasia in Caregivers of Patients with Terminal Illness, Sutiaba - León Iii Quarter 2022. Mathews J Nurs. 6(1):37.

Copyrights: María DMD, et al. © (2024).


Traditionally, death has not been a clinical problem since the doctor's role has been to preserve life and promote health. Euthanasia has been addressed by two philosophical currents, made up of men of science and religion. For its defenders, the human dignity of the patient consists of freely choosing the moment of his death. For its detractors, is to oppose the law by considering it a human arbitrariness in the face of an exclusively divine or legal matter. In Nicaragua there has never been an aspiration to create a movement in favor of assisted suicide or euthanasia for social, cultural and religious reasons.

The general objective was to describe knowledge and personal determinants of euthanasia in caregivers of patients with terminal illness. Therefore, this qualitative phenomenological research was carried out at the Félix Pedro Picado Health Center, Sutiaba, León – Nicaragua. The sample was made up of 8 caregivers of patients with terminal illness. An instrument on knowledge and personal determinants of Euthanasia was applied, perceiving that, the work of caring for these types of patients causes both physical and mental exhaustion due to the simple fact of not finding a cure for the disease. The ethics of health professionals and the social consideration regarding human life are important factors to take into account because there is not inclination between the good and bad of this procedure, with a human thought in terms of expressing that euthanasia is a practice to die with dignity. From a phenomenological point of view, the knowledge and personal determinants that caregivers of terminally ill patients have, it's controversial; the feeling of losing a loved one prevents and could be considered a selfish act from prolonging the patient's life, taking into account that this also would prolong the suffering, pain and anguish.

Keywords: Euthanasia, Knowledge, Personal Determinants

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