Mathews Journal of Nursing and Health Care


Previous Issues Volume 5, Issue 6 - 2023

Family Factors and Personal Determinants of Tobacco Consumption, Students from Ninth-Eleventh, Instituto San Nicolás, La Paz Centro, III Quarter, 2023

Rocha Peña Víctor Saúl1,*, Benedicht Jarquín Kenal Jafet2, Castillo Paredes Ana Massiell2, González Munguía Odeth de los Ángeles2, Matute Zapata Kathy Guissell2

1Licenciado en ciencias de Enfermería, Docente del Departamento de Enfermería. Miembro de la comisión de Vicerrectoría de Innovación y emprendimiento en enfermería, miembro del Comité de Investigación y Desarrollo en Enfermería, CIDE – UNAN León, Nicaragua

2Bachilleres en ciencias y letras, estudiantes de Enfermería, Dpto. Enfermería, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNAN-León, Nicaragua

*Corresponding Author: Rocha Peña Víctor Saúl, Licenciado en ciencias de Enfermería, Docente del Departamento de Enfermería. Miembro de la comisión de Vicerrectoría de Innovación y emprendimiento en enfermería, miembro del Comité de Investigación y Desarrollo en Enfermería, CIDE – UNAN León, Nicaragua; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: November 07, 2023

Published Date: December 10, 2023

Citation: Saúl RPV, et al. (2023). Family Factors and Personal Determinants of Tobacco Consumption, Students from Ninth-Eleventh, Instituto San Nicolás, La Paz Centro, III Quarter, 2023. Mathews J Nurs. 5(6):31.

Copyrights: Saúl RPV, et al. © (2023).


Tobacco consumption is a chronic non-communicable and addictive disease, with possibilities of treatment and cure. In adolescence it constitutes a public health problem, since tobacco is highly addictive and becomes a problem that destroys the life of the consumer. It contains psychoactive substances that affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system, it has harmful effects on the respiratory system, affecting the bronchi and lungs.

The problem of tobacco consumption lies in how susceptible the adolescent is to being part of the consumer group. This could be influenced by family factors such as lack of communication and supervision or having a user at home, as well as personal determinants such as an impressionable personality or Ignorance of the consumption that tobacco entails.

The study was descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional where the population was made up of 208 young people between the ages of 12 and 20, students from ninth to eleventh grade, of both sexes, in the morning and afternoon shifts of the San Nicolás Institute, La Paz Centro.A data collection instrument was applied on family factors and personal determinants of tobacco consumption. For the participants, the act of consuming tobacco is of utmost concern, since it occurs at home in the family circle, there is no consumption limit since they access it through places close to the study center, where there is no restriction policies. Even though they know the risks and perceive that they are not accepted by society, they continue to carry out this practice.

Keywords: Tobacco, Consumption

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