Authors : Shivam Patel1,*, Roshan Mathew2, Reena Patel3
Citation : Patel S, et al. (2022). Atrial Fibrillation: A Rare ECG Finding in Organophosphate Poisoning. Mathews J Emergency Med. 7(2):47.
Authors : Shivam Patel1,*, Mohammed Tahir Ansari2, Roshan Mathew3, Praveen Aggarwal4, Murmu LR5, Sanjeev Bhoi6, Reena Patel7
Citation : Patel S, et al. (2022). Role of Wide Awake Local Anaesthesia in Soft Tissue Injury of Hand. Mathews J Emergency Med. 7(2):46.
Authors : Kelly Hamilton1, James Espinosa2,*, Ronald Clearie3, Alan Lucerna4, Henry Schuitema5
Citation : Hamilton K, Espinosa J, Clearie R, Lucerna A, Schuitema H. (2022). OMT in the Emergency Department: A Literature Review. Mathews J Emergency Med. 7(2):45.