Authors : James Espinosa*, Alan Lucerna, Henry Schuitema
Citation : Espinosa J, Lucerna A, Schuitema H. (2022). Healthcare Documents: How Readable? A Study of Simple Strategies to Decrease Reading Grade Level and Increase Reading Ease of Healthcare Documents. Mathews J Emergency Med. 7(1):44.
Authors : Nicole Caltabiano1, Ashley Keifer2, James Espinosa3, Alan Lucerna4, Nicholas Tomasello3, Russell Mordecai3, Henry Schuitema3, Victor Scali3
Citation : Caltabiano N, Keifer A, Espinosa J, Lucerna A, Tomasello N, Mordecai R, Schuitema H, Scali V. (2022). Effect of a Statewide Opioid Monitoring Program on a Community Emergency Department Opioid Prescribing Patterns. Mathews J Emergency Med. 7(1):43.
Authors : Razwana Wahdat1, Ramy Saleh2, James Espinosa3*, Lissa Diaz4, Shabnam Zarrabi5, Russell Mordecai3, Jacob Melnick1, Alan Lucerna3, Henry Schuitema6, Victor Scali3
Citation : Wahdat R, Saleh R, Espinosa J, Diaz L, Zarrabi S, Mordecai R, Melnick J, Lucerna A, Schuitema H, Scali V. (2022). Towards Decreasing the Effect of Stethoscopes as Fomites in Healthcare Acquired Infections: Can Practitioners Tell Difference Between Disposable and Standard Stethoscopes and Gloved versus Ungloved Stethoscopes? Mathews J Emergency Med. 7(1):42.