Mathews Journal of Dermatology


Previous Issues Volume 7, Issue 1 - 2023

The Skin is a Reflection of Intestinal Health

Debbie Novick*

Novick Integrative Medicine, USA

*Corresponding author: Dr. Debbie Novick DC CH, Novick Integrative Medicine, 171 Saxony RD, Suite 107, Encinitas, CA 92024 USA, Tel: 7605191759; Email: [email protected].

Received Date: April 07, 2023

Published Date: April 13, 2023

Citation: Novick D. (2023). The Skin is a Reflection of Intestinal Health. Mathews J Dermatol. 7(1):19.

Copyrights: Novick D. © (2023).


Addressing the determinants of heath and beginning with basic therapeutic order, allows any clinician to “clear the decks and fog” created by the burdens, to unravel the root causes which are keeping patients on the same “hamster wheel” of chronic illness and pain.

Begin by teaching the patient to reduce or eliminate insulting foods, counter stress, addressing the effects of trauma, and limit exposure to toxins, before adding more things the body has to process and handle. Taking supplements requires a response and interaction with body processes, which necessitates stimulation to and energy demands on neither the body to process them–energy a patient’s body may not have accessible nor the ability to garner from an overburdened, fatigued, dysfunctionally sick body.

“People don’t know what they don’t know” about how to take care of this precious, divinely orchestrated human vessel, we all walk around in a “non-pulsed” fashion, thinking it will work just like at always does for the rest of our lives.

Many are brainwashed by the media to consume and become addicted to everything they sell (food, clothing, cosmetics, drugs, energy pills, supplements, surgery, etc.), convincing us we need to alter, improve, and enhance our natural body processes by artificially making them “better”. Humans trying to play GOD! I think NOT.

Once a person is educated on the language their body speaks to them, they have the power to adapt, and navigate flares and triggers by reducing selective and impertinent burdens to increase their ability to become chemical and immune tolerant to life on this planet.

Let us examine the environments human beings are subjected to in today’s world bombarded by; electromagnetic frequencies, radio frequencies, microwave frequencies, radiation, pollution, pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, eating nutritionally deficient food, bathing in toxified water full of; chlorines, fluoride, by products of medications, plastics, perfumes, etc., continually exposed to artificial lights, enclosed buildings with recirculating HVAC, sometimes mold and dust infested.

Our delicately orchestrated bodies are not designed to cope with this daily pervasive onslaught of dangerous and disease/dysfunction-causing agents.

Each patient comes to you with their own past medical history, physical and emotional sets of stressors and traumas. One must also consider their; genetic expression, epigenetics, ability to adapt, pain threshold, capacity to regenerate, dietary and lifestyle habits.

In order to make sure each patient can survive this human existence and can successfully become chemically and immune tolerant to living, each body must be supplied with enough protective and enhancing nutrients, botanicals, stress reducing activities, exercise, restful sleep, emotional support, healing touch, hydration, positive mindset, and reduce or avoid exposure to triggers in the environment.

In order to survive and keep the neuro-endocrine-immune cross talk from going awry, it takes a careful look at the level of adaptability a patient’s body has. If your patient is relatively healthy they will most likely be able to tolerate and survive these exposures for the most part. Eventually, any increase in exposure to stressful events, infections, or other noxious substances, can overwhelm a healthy body and cause it to express disease and dysfunction.

Why give chronically ill people supplements?

Because patients are usually compromised in their ability to absorb nutrients from food, have ongoing systemic inflammation, possibly infections, trauma (sequelae from various sources), the food we consume in the USA is contaminated with Round-Up pesticides that destroy our microbiome and contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions and food intolerances in a large portion of the population. Food is picked green for transport, reducing its nutritional content. We are bombarded with toxins, and lead a fast paced stressful life. Many sources of inflammation are bombarding us constantly. Our body requires assistance in maintaining its chemical and immune tolerance to life.

The above nutrients are vital in helping patients balance and sustain the strength, resilience, and vitality of the immune system which is constantly challenged in today’s day to day life. The amounts and dosages are tailored individually.

There are so many gut-brain brain-gut connections whatever damage is caused to the gut is also happening to the brain. The enteric nervous system can transport all the irritating inflammatory; chemicals, infections, undigested food particles, toxins, heavy metals, etc. directly through the blood brain barrier to excite and flare up microglia cells to start a fire in the brain that causes fog, depression, anxiety, memory loss, lack of coordination etc.

The gut and brain barriers must be kept intact for the entire body to be in a healthy functional state. If one is leaky the other is likely to be too.

Clinically there is nothing more important than to teach patients the importance of these foundational concepts. If these barriers are leaky it is like having a house without a roof, doors, windows, or screens open to the elements. The natural state of tubes within tubes is no longer intact. Everything from the external environment that is not properly processed in the digestive tract or inhaled is now a potential trigger for brain and gut inflammation.

Who lives in the gut? The immune system 80% of it! If this system goes awry then autoimmunity and cancer are a certainty. An immune system that over reacts or sits silent and says nothing, are both recipes for disastrous consequences. The direct road to chronic devastating debilitating mysterious or well-known diagnosable illnesses.

The job of a practiced efficient clinician is to teach their patients to work on keeping those barriers as intact as possible more of the time than not. As well as to learn to recognize individual triggers and how to wind thing down so there are more good days than bad.

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We now know that our microbiome is a vital and essential part of both body and brain health. They carry our DNA, produce neurotransmitters, maintain gut barrier health help manage and control the entire microbiome population, the more diverse it is the healthy we are. In nature diversity equals health and vitality of ecosystems and creates abundance [1-6].




The author declares there is no conflict of interest.


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