Mathews Journal of Dermatology


Previous Issues Volume 9, Issue 1 - 2025

Erysipelas of the Scrotum, A Rare Clinical Entity of Acute Non-Necrotizing Bacterial Dermohypodermatitis: A Case at CDTUB - Allada (Benin)

Fabrice AKPADJAN1,2,*, Pierre KITHA1,2, Laura DOTSOP1,2, Ndembi YEOUNA1,2, Fleurine LEKEULEM1,2, Lotus HOTEGNI1, Simplice ESSOUN1, Christiane ABIOLA1, René FIODESSIHOUE1, Julien VIANOU1, Hector AISSI1, Florencia do ANGO-PADONOU2

1Service de Dermatologie-Vénérologie du Centre de Dépistage et de Traitement de l’Ulcère de Buruli d’Allada, Bénin

2Faculté des Sciences de la Santé de Cotonou, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin

*Corresponding author: Dr. Akpadjan Gbèmawonmèdé Fabrice, Associate Professor of Dermatology-Venerology, Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Abomey-Calavi, 09BP: 441 Cotonou, Benin, Tel : (+229) 01 97 07 44 09, Email: [email protected]

Received Date: February 09, 2025

Published Date: February 28, 2025

Citation: Akpadjan F, et al. (2025). Erysipelas of the Scrotum, A Rare Clinical Entity of Acute Non-Necrotizing Bacterial Dermohypodermatitis: A Case at CDTUB - Allada (Benin). Mathews J Dermatol. 9(1):26.

Copyrights: Akpadjan F, et al. © (2025).


Erysipelas is an acute bacterial infection of the dermis and hypodermis caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. The leg is the most common site of infection these days. We report a case of erysipelas of the scrotum in Benin. A 45-year-old carpenter with insulin-dependent diabetes presented with a painful swelling of the scrotum that had been present for 3 days in a febrile context. He had been self-medicating with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug prior to admission.  Clinically, there was a warm, painful oedema of the entire scrotum, which appeared roughly globular with erythematous, shiny skin with a non-scaly surface. There were two bilateral inflammatory inguinal adenopathies. The diagnosis of scrotal erysipelas was retained. The patient was admitted to hospital and started on a course of antibiotics based on oral amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and a moist suspensory dressing. Faced with clinical worsening, with the appearance of ulcerations and suppuration (phlegmon), the treatment protocol was reviewed and the oral amoxicillin-clavulanic acid was replaced by a double intravenous antibiotic treatment with ceftriaxone and metronidazole. A urological opinion was sought; a scrotal skin incision was made and daily dakin dressings and packing were applied. Evolution was progressively favourable, with almost complete healing and no functional sequelae after one month of hospital care. The dermatologist should always remain vigilant for Fournier's gangrene in patients presenting with erysipelas of the scrotum and be prepared for immediate intervention.

Keywords: Erysipelas, Scrotum, Diabetes, NSAIDs, Phlegmon.

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