Mathews Journal of Dermatology


Previous Issues Volume 8, Issue 1 - 2024

BTXA/Prosigne and Redefinition of the Mandibular Contour - “Nefertiti Lift”: Academic Review

Ricardo Limongi Fernandes*

Dermatologist at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) and International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Responsible for Medical Affairs at Cristália Injectables, Brazil

*Corresponding author: Dr. Ricardo Limongi Fernandes, Dermatologist at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Specialist by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) and International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), Responsible for Medical Affairs at Cristália Injectables, Brazil, Phone: +11 3085 3021, CRM-SP: 104.038 RQE 24.325, Email: [email protected]

Received Date: March 01, 2024

Published Date: March 15, 2024

Citation: Fernandes RL. (2024). BTXA/Prosigne and Redefinition of the Mandibular Contour - “Nefertiti Lift”: Academic Review. Mathews J Dermatol. 8(1):24.

Copyrights: Fernandes RL. © (2024).


Context: With the growing interest in treating the mandibular contour by a minimally invasive technique, botulinum toxin application in this area is increasing in popularity and relevance since the initial technique has been described. Objective: To present BTXA/Prosigne®, a brand marketed in Brazil since 2003, as an alternative to the toxins used in the literature involved in this indication, and to present an academic review on Nefertiti lift. Design: Academic review. Methodology: An electronic search of articles involving the use of botulinum toxin for redefinition of the mandibular contour was performed. Main anatomical aspects and techniques were highlighted. Conclusion: Many variations of the initial technique have been described, increasing the popularity and relevance of the procedure. It is particularly useful in younger patients with platysma muscle overactivity and good elastic skin containment. Although there is no consensus, a total of between 30 and 80U of Onabotulinumtoxin A seem sufficient for effective and safe treatment. The superficial injection technique is essential to guarantee safety and minimize the risk of adverse events. Clinical studies showing equivalence of efficacy and safety between BTXA/Prosigne® and Onabotulinumtoxin A. A dose equivalence of 1:1 suggests that we can reason with the same doses in the case of choosing BTXA/Prosigne®.

Keywords: Academic Review, Botulinum Toxin A, Mandibular Contour, BTXA, Prosigne, Nefertiti Lift.

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