Nezar Watted
Associate Professor
University of Wuerzburg
Dr. Nezar Watted is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Orthodontics at University of Wuerzburg, Germany. He is a Faculty Member with a teaching assignment at the Julius-Maximilian-Universty of Wuerzburg, Germany.
Dr. Nezar Watted maintains a private Orthodontic Clinic. He lectures in Europe, USA, and Australia. He published more than 380 scientific articles books and book chapters. He received many prices. He is the writer of the Book: “Impacted teeth; Diagnosis and successful treatment”, contributing Editor of the Journal of cosmetic dentistry and the Journal of Esthetic dentistry and Periodontology.
Research Interest
· Esthetics in orthodontics
· Combined orthognatic-surgery
· Combined periodontal-orthodontic treatment
· Impacted teeth
· Functional orthopedics