Giuseppe Alessandro Scardina
University of Palermo
Dr. Giuseppe Alessandro Scardina is a Researcher in section of Orthopedics in university of Palermo, Italy. He is in charge as a tutor for the demands of the Professorship in Odontostomatology with deliberation of the Counsel of Dentistry, Dental Prosthesis Course and subsidiary didactics on the interdisciplinary theme "Parodontology and oral medicine" for the students of the course in Dental Hygiene.
He has been designated from GABA INTERNATIONAL as scientific coordinator of research about the evaluation of the antiseptic effectiveness of the mouthwash and toothpaste "Meridol" Earlier, he is a faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Palermo, Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis and take the courses sustaining every year the prescribed examinations.
Research Interest:
- Three-dimensionally reconstruct of the microcircul of the oral mucosa.
- Neuropeptidis in the flogosis of the oral mucosa.
- Research aiming to appraise the method of clinical and instrumental investigation on progress of implant fractures
- Capsaicina in patients affected by BMS