Petrovski Mihajlo*, Veljanovski Darko, Nikolovski Bruno, Mladenovski Marko, Kovacevska Ivona
Faculty of medical sciences, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia
*Corresponding Author: Faculty of medical sciences, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia; Email:[email protected]
Received Date: May 07, 2024
Publication Date: May 27, 2024
Citation: Mihajlo P, et al. (2024). Contemporary Aspects of Trеatment of Endodonal-Periodontal Lesions. Mathews J Dentistry. 8(2):49.
Copyright: Mihajlo P, et al. © (2024)
Introduction: Infection in pulp tissue may lead to secondary infection on periodontal tissue. In contrary, severe periodontal disease may initiate or exacerbate inflammatory changes in pulp tissue. Тhe main goal of this research is to present the modern concepts in the treatment of endo-periodontal lesions. Material and method: Тo fulfill the main purpose made adequate literature research on Pub Med for articles relevant to our topic was done. Results: Treatment access and prognosis depend primarily on the diagnosis of the specific endodontic and periodontal disease. The main factors to consider for decision-making are pulp vitality and the extent of the periodontal defect. After complete instrumentation, calcium hydroxide should be used as an intracanal medicament. It is an excellent medicament in general, because it is bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and proteolytic; it inhibits resorption; and it favors repair. It is especially effective in endo-perio cases because its temporary obturating action will inhibit periodontal contamination of the instrumented canals. Conclusion: Therefore, a primary endodontic lesion draining from attachment apparatus should be initially treated by an endodontic therapy. Primary periodontal disease should only be treated by periodontal therapy. In this case, the prognosis depends on the severity of the periodontal disease and the patient response.
Keywords: periodontium, dental pulp, treatment, endodontic treatment