

Mathews Journal of Cytology and Histology


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Chief Editor and Editors play a vital role in maintaining standards of the journal through a peer review process. Editors should make sure that all the articles must be concerning the scope of the journal according to scientific relevancy, veracity, research strength, innovative methods. Editors must be unbiased with his/her decisions given on manuscripts and that should not be affected by the author’s nativity, nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc. Manuscript judgment must support the logical strength and significance to the scientific world.

After receiving manuscripts from the author, the editorial office assigns the manuscript to an editor to review the manuscript. Papers are assigned to editors based on their expertise and research interest. The editor’s role is to assign two reviewers to provide review comments. In a situation where the editor cannot assign reviewers, then the editorial office assigns the reviewers on behalf of the editor. The editor should respond timely on his/her timeline in completing the peer review process and providing his/her decisions on manuscripts. The editor has to supervise the entire peer review cycle to preserve the principles of the journal. The editor can handle any number of manuscripts for the peer review process according to his interest and other commitments. As the editors are back bone to journal sustainability, editors can contribute the manuscripts which can be research articles/ editorials/ short communications for the continuation of issues in the journal. The editor has to encourage the submissions from other qualified authors, and they can suggest their colleagues. We welcome our editors to suggest new thoughts and ideas for the advancement of the journal. Editors need to ensure the security of individual data and maintain privacy.

Recently Published Articles
Research Article

Evaluation of the Most Effective Method of Measuring Bilirubin Concentration in Neonates

Published : 30th September 2024
Authors : Boaz Gaventa1, Graham Martin1, Alok Abraham Matthew1, Lewys Burnett-Jones1, Sanji Lalchan2, Therese-Mary William1,2,*
Citation : William T, et al. (2024). Evaluation of the Most Effective Method of Measuring Bilirubin Concentration in Neonates. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 8(1):29.

Research Article

Evaluation of the Toxic Potentials and Histopathological Variations in Clarias gariepinus Fingerlings Exposed to Ethanolic Extract of Costus afer

Published : 07th May 2024
Authors : Essien-Ibok MA1, George UU2,*, Abiaobo NO3, Mbong EO4
Citation : Essien-Ibok MA, et al. (2024). Evaluation of the Toxic Potentials and Histopathological Variations in Clarias gariepinus Fingerlings Exposed to Ethanolic Extract of Costus afer. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 8(1):28.

Research Article

Assessment of the Toxicity and Histopathological Effects of Launaea taraxocifolia Extract on Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus

Published : 24th April 2024
Authors : George UU1,*, Ajayi OO2, Essien-Ibok MA3, Abiaobo NO4, Mbong EO5
Citation : George UU, et al. (2024). Assessment of the Toxicity and Histopathological Effects of Launaea taraxocifolia Extract on Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 8(1):27.

Research Article

Cytodiagnosis of a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in a Tertiary Facility: A Case Report of a 27-Year-Old Female

Published : 08th December 2023
Authors : Boaz Mwesigwa1,*, Derrick Barry Abila2, Anatoli Mawanda1,2, Tusiime Charity Claire1, Zelma Cason3
Citation : Boaz M, et al. (2023). Cytodiagnosis of a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in a Tertiary Facility: A Case Report of a 27-Year-Old Female. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 7(2):26.

Research Article

In Vivo Studies on Mortality and Histopathological Indices of Phragmenthera capitata (Mistletoes) on Clarias gariepinus Fingerglings in Aquarium

Published : 22nd November 2023
Authors : George UU1, Mbong EO2, Abiaobo NO3, Akpan II3
Citation : George UU, et al. (2023). In Vivo Studies on Mortality and Histopathological Indices of Phragmenthera capitata (Mistletoes) on Clarias gariepinus Fingerglings in Aquarium. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 7(2):25.

Research Article

The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Modulating the Immune System and Repairing Lung Damage in ARDS Patients with SARS-COV-2

Published : 14th November 2023
Authors : Amir Nejad-Moghaddam1,2,*, Aram Asareh Zadegan Dezfuli3, Saeed Rahmanzadeh4
Citation : Nejad-Moghaddam A, et al. (2023). The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Modulating the Immune System and Repairing Lung Damage in ARDS Patients with SARS-COV-2. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 7(2):24.

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