Authors : Darley de Lima Ferreira Filho*, Nancy Cristina Ferraz de Lucena Ferreira, Thais de Lucena Ferreira
Citation : Filho DDLF, et al. (2024). Retrospective Analysis of the Epidemiological Profile of Patients Submitted to Breast Reconstruction at a Public Hospital in the Northeast. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(1):151.
Authors : Ubaid Jeelani1,*, Hurmat Ul Unsa2, Ghulam Jeelani Romshoo3
Citation : Jeelani U, et al. (2024). Epidemiologic, Endoscopic and Histopathological Profile of Oesophagal Cancers of a High-Risk Region of Southern Kashmir-India. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(1):152.
Authors : Jacob Barg*, Avi Brochman
Citation : Barg J, et al. (2024). Why are we concerned about the Legal Use of Cannabis for Recreational Purposes? Mathews J Case Rep. 9(1):148.
Author : Abdulhamid Sayed Issa*
Citation : Abdulhamid SI, et al. (2024). The Useful Conclusion in our Experience Regarding the Sacral Injection. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(1):147.
Authors : Rehab M Golam1,*, Islam M Tawfiq2, Asmaa Mohammed1
Citation : Golam RM, et al. (2024). BCL2 a Hub Protein in Genes Expressed in Early Parkinsonism Patients. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(01):146.