Mathews Journal of Case Reports


Previous Issues Volume 2, Issue 1 - 2017

Case Report Full-Text  PDF  

Pregnancy Outcomes Upon Using Arabin Pessary in Cases of Premature Cervical Shortening

Ariel polonsky*, Malvina Shwartpiter, Yaacov Mamet

Laniado medical center, Divrey Haim Street 16, Netanya, Israel.

Corresponding Author: Ariel Polonsky, Laniado medical center, Divrey Haim Street 16, Netanya, Israel, Tel: +972507600170; E-Mail: [email protected]

Received Date: 03 Feb 2017   
Accepted Date: 22 Feb 2017  
Published Date: 24 Feb 2017

Copyright © 2017 Polonsky A

Citation: Polonsky A, Shwartpiter M and Mamet Y. (2017). Pregnancy Outcomes Upon Using Arabin Pessary In Cases of Premature Cervical Shortening. Mathews J Case Rep 2(1): 027.



Spontaneous preterm birth is the leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Several methods were found to be helpful in preventing preterm deliveries in singleton gestations. Those include progesterone administration and different cervical cerclage. Arabin Pessary which is a silicone made device has been explored in recent years as a method of preterm birth prevention. In contrast to singleton gestations, neither progesterone administration nor cervical cerclage were found to be affective in a multi-gestational pregnancy. Our article describes three cases with increased chances of preterm delivery. Two singletons and one multi-gestational pregnancy. All three women received a cervical Arabin Pessary in addition to the accepted treatment of progesterone. All three women had favorable results and delivered healthy infants. We concluded from our experience and from trials conducted in centers around the world that cervical Arabin Pessary is beneficial in preventing preterm birth both in singleton and in multi-gestational pregnancies.


Preterm Delivery; Arabin Pessary; Preterm Cervical Shortening; Preterm Cervical Dilatation.

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