Mathews Journal of Case Reports


Current Issue Volume 9, Issue 7 - 2024

Persistence of Non-Specific Syphilitic Test Titers for 6 Years After the Adequate Treatment

Murugan Sankaranantham*

Dr MGR Medical University, SHIFA Hospitals, 82, Kailasapuram, Ttirunelveli, India

*Corresponding author: Prof. Murugan Sankaranantham, Dr MGR Medical University, SHIFA Hospitals, 82, Kailasapuram,Ttirunelveli, India, Tel: 9443257994, Email: [email protected]

Received Date: June 01, 2024

Published Date: August 03, 2024

Citation: Sankaranantham M. (2024). Persistence of Non-Specific Syphilitic Test Titers for 6 Years After the Adequate Treatment. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(7):175.

Copyrights: Sankaranantham M. (2024).


Syphilis is a great imitator. The incidence of syphilis once again in an increasing trend throughout the globe. Even though, it is a curable bacterial infection, the exact cure cannot be established as the Treponema pallidum is not growing in culture media of laboratories. It can be cured to the presumptive point. The markers of this presumptive cure, the fall in the quantitative nonspecific serological tests for syphilis, also lead the clinicians in a dilemma and left in a blunt end. Such a case report of a late latent syphilis who was having a reactive persistent titer of Rapid Plasma regain test for syphilis even after the repeated recommended anti-syphilitic treatment for more than 6 years. It is a sample only. Many clinicians across the world are facing such situation. It is high time to revise the guidelines to have a definite marker of cure in cases of syphilis.

Keywords: Specific Serological Test, Nonspecific Serological Test, Persistence of Titer, Anti-Syphilitic Treatment.

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