Mohammad Tahir Aien1, Fazel Rahman Faizi2*
1Department of Radiology, French Medical Institute for Children Afghanistan.
Corresponding Author: Fazel Rahman Faizi, Department of Radiology, French Medical Institute for Children, Afghanistan,
Tel: 93 20 250 0522; E-Mail: [email protected]
Received Date: 03 Dec 2016
Accepted Date: 27 Dec 2016
Published Date: 02 Jan 2017
Copyright © 2017 Faizi FR
Citation: Faizi FR and Aien MT. (2017). Caudate Lobe Cystic Echinococcosis. Mathews J Case Rep 2(1): 022.
Cystic echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease produced by larva of echinococcosis granulosis. The parasite has two hosts, a definitive and an intermediate host. The definitive host is usually dogs but maybe other carnivores. The intermediate host is usually sheep but maybe other herbivores. Humans become infected accidentally through contact with dogs or contaminated water and vegetables. Liver is the most common site of involvement however caudate lobe is rarely involved. A 24 year-old female with sole complaint of jaundice was referred to our department to undergo abdominal CT-scan. A well-defined multiseptated cystic structure was noted in caudate lobe. Keeping in view patient's history of contact with animals and imaging characteristics, the diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis was made.
Cystic Echinococcosis; Caudate Lobe; Jaundice; Splenomegaly.