Authors : Osmar Antonio Centurión1,2*, FACC, FAHA, José Fernando Alderete1 , Judith María Torales1,2, Laura Beatriz García1,2, Karina Elizabeth Scavenius1
Citation : Centaurión OA, Alderete JF, Morales JM, Garcían LB, et al. (2018). Augmented Atrial Vulnerability in Patients with Sinus Node 3 Dysfunction: Is the Electrophysiologic Abnormality Limited Only to the Sinus Node?. Mathews J Cardiol. 3(1): 019.
Authors : Luca Anfuso1 , Massimo Corsi1 , Antonio Fasano1,2
Citation : Anfuso L, Corsi M and Fasano A. (2018). Esophageal Thermal Probes: How Fast Should They Be?. Mathews J Cardiol. 3(1): 018.
Authors : Osmar Antonio Centurión1,2, Christian O. Chávez-Alfonso1 , Laura Beatriz García1,2, Judith María Torales1,2
Citation : Centurión OA, Chávez-Alfonso C, García LB and Torales JM. (2018). Influence of Serum Biomarkers in the Diagnostic, Prog- 5 nostic and Therapeutic Management of Patients with Heart Failure Mathews J Cardiol. 3(1): 017..
Authors : Maurizio Santomauro1 , Raffaele Giordano1 , Giuseppe Comentale1 , Carla Riganti2 , Mario Petretta3 , Domenico Bonaduce3 , Emanuele Pilato1 , Vincenzo De Amicis1 , Gabriele Iannelli1
Citation : Santomauro M, Giordano R, Comentale G, Riganti C, et al. (2018). Comparison of the Implantable Cardiac Monitor Reveal LINQ Versus Reveal XT in Young Patients. Mathews J Cardiol. 3(1): 016.