Author : Maria Teresa Fernandez Martin1
Citation : Martin MTF. (2017). Ultrasound-Guided Intercostal Nerves (Cutaneous Branches) Block: Analgesic Alternative in Open Surgery Gallbladder. Mathews J Anesth. 1(1): 004.
Author : Hani Nasser Abdelhamid1
Citation : Abdelhamid HN. (2016). Nanoparticles as Pharmaceutical Agents.Mathews J Anesth. 1(1): 003.
Authors : J Escriva Munoz1,E Gabarron2, P Fort1,Y Pan3,Shengjin Ge3,Q Liao3,M Vallverdu1
Citation : Escrivá Muñoz J, Gabarrón E, Fort P, Pan Y, et al. (2016). Comparison of Two Cardiac Output Monitors, qCO and LiDCO, During General Anesthesia. Mathews J Anesth. 1(1): 002.
Authors : Toshio Obata1,Michiko Nakashima2
Citation : Obata T and Nakashima M. (2016). Environmental Estrogen-like Substances Enhances 1-Methyl-4-Phenylpyridinium Ion-Induced Hydroxyl Radical Generation in Rat Striatum. Mathews J Anesth. 1(1): 001