Pérez Lara FJ1 , Hernández González JM1 , Hernández Carmona JM1 , Oliva Muñoz H2
1 Service of Surgery, Antequera Hospital, Málaga
2 Chief of Surgery Service. Surgery Service, Antequera Hospital, Málaga
Corresponding Author: Francisco Javier Pérez Lara, Digestive Surgeon. Antequera Hospital Avda Poeta Muñoz Rojas sn, Tel:637322133; Email: [email protected]
Received Date: 29 Dec 2017 Accepted Date: 02 Jan 2018 Published Date: 04 Jan 2018
Copyright © 2018 Pérez Lara FJ
Citation: Pérez Lara FJ, Hernández González JM, Hernández Carmona JM and Oliva Muñoz H. (2018). Use of the Endo Retract II © in laparoscopic Colon Surgery. M J Surg. 2(1): 009.
We describe the use of the Endo Retract II © to perform the separation of the small bowel loops in laparoscopic colonic surgery. The idea is to introduce an open compress into the area occupied by the small intestine in such a way that, resting the separator upon it, we can manoeuvre as if it were a hand, thus allowing us to separate the intestinal package and freeing the area of the mesocolon for intervention.
Figure 1: Place an open compress in the area occupied by the small intestine.
Figure 2: Introduce the separator.
Figure 3: Manoeuvre with the separator resting on the compress to expose the mesosigma.
Figure 4: Exposure of the mesosigma.
Figure 5: Exposure of the mesorectosigma in the area of the pouch of Douglas.