Mathews Journal of Nursing and Health Care


Previous Issues Volume 5, Issue 2 - 2023

The Changed Role of Face Mask

Hema Viswanatha Halasyam*

Principal Faculty of Nursing, Dr. MGR Educational Research Institute Deemed to be University Chennai, India

*Corresponding author: Hema Viswanatha Halasyam, Principal Faculty of Nursing, Dr. MGR Educational Research Institute Deemed to be University Chennai, India; Emails: [email protected]; [email protected].

Received Date: April 27, 2023

Published Date: May 18, 2023

Citation: Hema VH. (2023). The Changed Role of Face Mask. Mathews J Nurs. 5(2):14.

Copyrights: Hema VH. © (2023).


During the COVID-19 I and II wave, we all have to recollect how propaganda was done through all sources to make every individual wear face mask to prevent the spread of Corona.

Now in the post COVID-19 period when face mask is not mandated in few countries, we still find few students wearing mask in educational institutions. On observation and interaction among students, the ritual to wear mask is more common among male students however we also see female students too.

The reasons found are stated below which may be agreed upon by many leaders in the education field.

Behind the face mask is the unshaven beard. Do students don't have time to up keep their looks or have they become lazy. Students feel comfortable as the facemask enhanced visibility of only the eyes and forehead for the person on the opposite site. Behind the face mask is the hidden tobacco product (cool lip) in the cheek / gums. Often the face mask helps to mask their unhealthy behaviour.

Students also verbalised that face mask provided confidence and improved the interpersonal relationship as they felt that facial reaction cannot be read by others. Has it become a coping mechanism to deal with lack of confidence?? It is time for such students to rewind, reflect their level of confidence before the Pandemic was announced in 2020. Last but not the least face mask is still continued to be worn by students who are more conscious rather obsessed about the mutating stains of corona virus. Are they more conscious due to loss of near and dear due to Corona?

Will mentoring, counseling and sensitizing the students regarding this issue help in Unmasking the much liked hiding behind the Face Mask?!?!?

Is it time to press the Del button for Facemask/ban wearing face mask in educational institutions to curb the new problems..!?!


Not applicable.


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