Ashraful Kabir*
Department of Biology, Cantonment Public College, Saidpur Cantonment—5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh
*Corresponding author: Ashraful Kabir, Department of Biology, Cantonment Public College, Saidpur Cantonment―5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh, Phone: +88-01712563750; E-mail: [email protected]
Received Date: January 18, 2025
Published Date: February 25, 2025
Citation: Kabir A. (2025). Brief on Bangladeshi Red-Black Pied Gola Pigeons (Columba livia domestica, Gmelin 1789) (Aves: Columbiformes). Mathews J Vet Sci. 9(2):65.
Copyrights: Kabir A. © (2025).
Gola pigeons of Bangladesh not only meat-breed but also a common pet bird with other fancy pigeons of Bangladesh. In this sense, need to understand this breed to continue a pigeon farm. Several times observation in selected pigeon markets, mainly for their excellent plumage colors showed their acceptance with the pigeon lovers. Gorra Pigeon Association (GPA) of Bangladesh is maintaining its breeding strategies as a whole. In gola pigeon group especially black and red gorra pigeons are kept as pet instead of meat-breed (Plates 1-2). Additionally, these pigeons are good as fostering pair in a loft. Impure and multi-colors, and large-sized gola pigeons can be slaughtered as meat breed in Bangladesh. Squab of gola pigeons were found mostly sick (especially pox) with 300–400 g live weights. Apparently, squabs’ size was small but sometimes physicians prescribe this bird for recovering blood components of the patients. Homer and king pigeons were the core indicator to enhance the meat quality of this gola pigeons. Gola pigeons are somewhat feral or wild type and for its unfair or pigmented skin, some people do not like to take it as meat.
Keywords: Gola Pigeons, Gorra Pigeons, Ash-Red/Red Pied, Black Pied, Squab Meat, Bangladesh.
Gola pigeons are ancient pigeon perspective Bangladesh. Mr. Morgan (1925) purchased this gola pigeon from India and started farming in England [1]. The exact origin of the local crossbred meat-breed of pigeons is not clear on the basis of their genetic profile. Most of the places of the world their local meat-breed pigeons are different. Historically, homers were mostly used to cross with other breeds. Polygamous behavior of pigeons was played a significant role to promote utility breeds as well. Due to proper selection and natural mutation pigeons were evolved with numerous colors. Among such beautiful coloration especially gorra and exceptional colors always accepted to keep as a pet or fostering birds in lofts. Sometimes, due to lower price of any breeds of pigeons’ people take it as meat. This is a suitable and common meat-breed and used in crossing with other breeds to get large-sized pigeons. When this gola pigeon are crossed with Lahore pigeons, the squab becomes large in size which is good for huge meat. Most of the pigeon markets in Bangladesh [2], there are moderate number of gola pigeons with reasonable prices. There is a medical tradition to eat squab for increasing hemoglobin of the patients. From the age of twenty-one days, they are suitable for dressing. Gola pigeons are very tame bird in a loft if they get proper training. In addition, it has remarkable homing instinct [3]. Indian gola pigeon is a bird with strength, endurance, and flying ability [4]. In any small occasions in village, people arrange these local meat breeds for entertaining their guest but this is true that they always add chicken as a substitute. The aim of this study is to mention gola pigeons not only meat-breed but also common and available fostering parents with other fancy breeds of Bangladesh.
Gola and so called gorra pigeons: There are adequate number of gola pigeons were seen in most markets of Bangladesh. It is multi-colored pigeon and sometimes found with crest and muff [1]. In gola pigeons, gorra especially red and black pied were found as a pet and fostering parents. Levi [5] mentioned pied patterns of pigeons in his renowned book ‘The Pigeon’. Selected pigeon markets: Pigeon markets of Dhaka, Kushtia, Rangpur, and Saidpur of Bangladesh were surveyed areas for observing gola pigeons with their colors and patterns.
Plate 1. Dominant red pied.
Plate 2. Black pied.
Availability and colors: Red and black pied pigeons are available throughout Bangladesh with reasonable prices. Gola pigeons as well as gorra pigeons are found both crested or plain-headed. Sell [6] described the genetics of red and pied patterns of pigeons in his book. In ash-red pigeon group, there were many pied patterns [7]. This breed was found with numerous colors but mostly are white and gray [8]. This breed is very common in India but rare in other countries [8]. Grizzle and tigering pattern became more strongly fixed in this breed than any other [9].
Reproduction: Since, this is not high yielding variety, so this is not good for meat as a whole. A good squab pair was found 100-150 taka [1], but now this is 250-300 taka and weight of edible single squab is 200-300 gram. The productivity of local crossbred indigenous pigeons of Bangladesh is mentionable [10].
Immunity: Its immunity power is questionable due to lack of nutritious feed, medicine, and scientific care.
Due to religious and pet issue, many people of Bangladesh do not eat pigeons. Some villagers and city dwellers occasionally eat squab. Patients are allowed to eat squab due to the suggestions of their physicians. In this case, body weight and price of such squabs is not an issue. Gola pigeons have diversified plumage color due to selection, feed, and natural mutation. Amount of edible portion, external body size, shape, and plumage colors are subjected to the genetics. In gola pigeon group, gorras are most beautiful, so as colorful pigeons most people keep it as pet. There could be a huge opportunity both for employment and earning money through supplying squab in local and foreign markets [11].
Author is declaring that there is no conflict of interest.