Ashraful Kabir1,*, Tania Zaman2
Department of Biology, Cantonment Public School and College, Saidpur Cantonment—5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh
*Corresponding author: Ashraful Kabir, Department of Biology, Cantonment Public School and College, Saidpur Cantonment—5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh, Phone: +88-01712563750; E-mail: [email protected]
Received Date: February 09, 2025
Published Date: February 28, 2025
Citation: Kabir A, et al. (2025). Animal Expedition at Saidpur Cantonment Public School and College, Bangladesh: A Journey of Discovery and Learning. Mathews J Vet Sci. 9(2):67.
Copyrights: Kabir A, et al. © (2025).
Saidpur Cantonment Public School and College is remarkable for watching many animals, especially birds. This protected educational institution could play a significant role in keeping animals of wild or domestic/farm critters. Three related research works (breeding birds of Saidpur Cantonment, birds of its teachers’ quarters-2, and birds of Bangalipur Nijpara) helped to write this composition. Out of 80 species of total animals―wild, street/feral, domestic, pet, ornamental, and farm animals were 63 (78.75%), 2, 1, 3, 6, and 5 (Table 1; Figure 1). Based on the classes of animals, 05 classes, 24 orders, 50 families, 70 genera, 80 species, and 44 subspecies were seen (Table 1; Figure 2). In addition, based on the classes of the animals, individuals were in Osteichthyes (11), Amphibia (3), Reptilia (2), Aves (59, 73.75%), and Mammalia (5) (Table 1; Figure 3). Remarkable trees (flowering, medium-sized, fruits, and long trees) (Plate 1) supported to live birds, especially herons (Plate 2).
Keywords: Birds, Animals, CPSCS, Saidpur, Bangalipur Nijpara, Teachers’ Quarters-2, Bangladesh.
Saidpur Cantonment Public School and College of Bangladesh established on 04 April 1979. It has 1296.19 decimal of land with a more significant culture-pond (200 decimal) (Plate 1). This pond showed surrounding flowering plants and four aviaries (domestic geese (Anser anser domesticus), barbary doves (Streptopelia risoria), domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica), and budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). The bank of this pond, medium-sized trees and banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) and rubber fig (Ficus elastica) are playing a good role for sheltering many birds especially egrets and herons [1] (Plate 2). Scattered grains around the aviaries allow many birds, especially Burmese spotted doves (Spilopelia chinensis tigrina). In winter season (February―March), large deciduous plants, remarkably American mahogany trees (Swietenia mahagoni) shred their leaves in summer season (after April), house-crows (Corvus splendens splendens) and Indian pied myna (Sturnus contra contra) build their nest and complete successful breeding activities. Recently, after cutting some trees, a school building has been established. Urbanization is a problem for destroying trees is the main shelter for birds [2]. Since, Saidpur is under Rangpur Division, so all plants are evergreen here [1]. Botanical gardens and residential backyards sometimes provide a significant reservoir for many bird species [3]. Amphibians are adapted to live in many climate and ecological zones [4]. Frog metabolic wastes are more soluble than invertebrate waste [5,6]. The objective of this study is understanding the present status of the animals in Saidpur Cantonment Public School and College for their conservation.
Plate 1. Map of Saidpur Cantonment Public School and College.
Animals of Public School and College observed directly at the time of regular service from 8:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. and at the time of jogging from 5:00 to 6:00 P. M. (total 8 hours daily). An android mobile phone (oppo) was perfect for taking occasional photographs and voice recordings of birds. A pair of binoculars (vixen, joyful H6×18 mm, palm-sized compact binoculars) used to observe these species. A DSLR camera (Canon, EOS Rebel T3i) helped for necessary snaps of the animals. This observation centre was 25°46ˈ21.1 ̎N and 88°54ˈ52.1 ̎E longitude and latitude. This study was conducted from 2003 to 2023.
Plate 2. Important trees are representing for sheltering many birds especially herons.
Keeping ornamental fishes in aquariums is increasing in all areas of Bangladesh, especially in Saidpur [8]. Within the animal kingdom, the amphibia class plays a significant role in detecting climate and ecological zones [4]. Three amphibians are commonly found all year round except winter season (December―February) in this institution of Bangladesh [8]. Less human disturbance is a great criterion for the conservation of breeding birds [1]. Urbanization and industrialization are a problem for destroying trees [2]. Long trees have been cut for establishing an academic building, so some birds have escaped from this place. High nesting densities allowed by habitat structure may be beneficial for reduced predation [9]. The author agrees with this quote because after cutting those trees, some birds lost their proper breeding habitat. Murton and Clarke [10] found the pattern in England with the spring and summer periods accounting for 60% of the total annual breeding, whereas Kabir [1] found 34% of breeding birds in this cantonment area as well. Evergreen forests are available in the Rangpur division, so for huge insects and larvae, the birds of this area are remarkable [1]. Till now, passerine birds are available here, and this type of study was conducted by Kabir in the year 2012. Like Kabir [1], at present, a big banyan and rubber tree are important feed sources and breeding of such birds [1]. In teachers’ quarters 2 of this school and college, there were a total of 35 animals (3 reptiles, 30 birds, and 2 mammals [11]. In the present context, for cleaning bushes, animals have been decreased from this quarters. In this cantonment area, breeding animals were 11 of 15 and the highest number of birds were found in the Sturnidae family. Kitchen-thrown materials were their remarkable source of feed-stuff. Blackberry and Indian dates are still playing a good fruit source for bulbul and greater coucal. Crows play predatory behaviour toward other birds always [11], and in school and college too. Botanical gardens and residential backyards sometimes provide a significant reservoir for many bird species [3]. Flowering plants are available in this institution at the time of winter, so many sunbirds, flowerpeckers, and tailorbirds came here for sucking honey from the nectar glands of flowers. Nine birds in quarters made nest while the golden monitor-lizard (Varanus flavescens) and Indian gray mongoose (Urva edwardsii) were found with their young [11], but now this scenario is rare.
Table 1. Observed animals in Saidpur Cantonment Public School and College
Names |
Order |
Family |
National status |
Global status |
Rohu, Labeo rohita, Hamilton 1822 |
Cypriniformes |
Cyprinidae |
Farm-fish |
LC |
Catla, Labeo catla (Hamilton 1822) |
Cypriniformes |
Cyprinidae |
Farm-fish |
LC |
Olive barb, Systomus sarana (Hamilton 1822) |
Cypriniformes |
Cyprinidae |
Farm-fish |
LC |
Black moor, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus 1758) |
Cypriniformes |
Cyprinidae |
Ornamental fish |
LC |
Goldfish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus 1758) |
Cypriniformes |
Cyprinidae |
Ornamental fish |
LC |
Koi fish, Cyprinus carpio var. koi, Linnaeus 1758 |
Cypriniformes |
Cyprinidae |
Ornamental fish |
Ornamental fish |
Red wag platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus (Gunther 1866) |
Cyprinodontiformes |
Poeciliidae |
Ornamental fish |
DD |
Freshwater angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare (Schultze 1823) |
Cichliformes |
Cichlidae |
Ornamental fish |
LC |
Glowlight tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus (green, blue, pink, purple) (Durbin 1909) |
Characiformes |
Characidae |
Ornamental fish |
LC |
Butter catfish, Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch 1797) |
Siluriformes |
Siluridae |
Farm-fish |
NT |
Gangetic mystus, Mystus cavasius (Hamilton 1822) |
Siluriformes |
Bagridae |
Farm-fish |
LC |
Asian common toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Schneider 1799) |
Anura |
Bufonidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian bull-frog, Hoplobatrachus tigerina (Daudin 1803) |
Anura |
Dicroglossidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian skipper frog, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (Schneider 1799) |
Anura |
Dicroglossidae |
LC |
LC |
Checkered keelback, Xenochropis piscator (Schneider 1799) |
Squamata |
Colubridae |
LC |
LC |
Golden monitor-lizard, Varanus flavescens (Hardwicke & Gray 1827) |
Squamata |
Varanidae |
EN |
NT |
Domestic goose, Anser anser domesticus, Linnaeus 1758 |
Anseriformes |
Anatidae |
Domestic bird |
Farm-bird |
Wild rock-pigeon, Columba livia intermedia, Strickland 1844 |
Columbiformes |
Columbidae |
LC |
LC |
Burmese spotted dove, Spilopelia chinensis tigrina (Temminck 1809) |
Columbiformes |
Columbidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian ring-dove, Streptopelia decaocto decaocto (Frivaldszky 1838) |
Columbiformes |
Columbidae |
LC |
LC |
Domesticated pigeons (ferals, tumblers, crossbreds), Columba livia domestica, Gmelin 1789 |
Columbiformes |
Columbidae |
Pet bird |
Domestic/Pet/Farm |
Barbary dove, Streptopelia risoria (Linnaeus 1758) |
Columbiformes |
Columbidae |
Pet bird |
Domestic/Pet/Farm |
Boreal rose-ringed parakeet, Psittacula krameri borealis (Neumann 1915) |
Psittaciformes |
Psittacidae |
LC |
LC |
Budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw 1805) |
Psittaciformes |
Psittacidae |
Pet bird |
LC |
Fulvous-breasted woodpecker, Dendrocopos macei macei (Vieillot 1818) |
Piciformes |
Picidae |
LC |
LC |
Black-rumped flameback woodpecker, Dinopium benghalense benghalense (Linnaeus 1758) |
Piciformes |
Picidae |
LC |
LC |
Black-naped green woodpecker, Picus guerini, Gyldenstolpe 1916 |
Piciformes |
Picidae |
LC |
LC |
Blue-throated barbet, Megalaima asiatica (Latham 1790) |
Piciformes |
Megalaimidae |
LC |
LC |
Coppersmith barbet, Psilopogon haemacephalus indicus, Latham 1790 |
Piciformes |
Megalaimidae |
LC |
LC |
Eurasian hoopoe, Upupa epops longirostris, Jerdon 1862 |
Bucerotiformes |
Upupidae |
LC |
LC |
Common kingfisher, Alcedo atthis bengalensis, Gmelin 1788 |
Coraciiformes |
Alcedinidae |
LC |
LC |
Stork-billed kingfisher, Pelargopsis capensis capensis (Linnaeus 1766) |
Coraciiformes |
Alcedinidae |
LC |
LC |
White-throated kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis fusca (Boddaert 1783) |
Coraciiformes |
Alcedinidae |
LC |
LC |
Pied kingfisher, Ceryle rudis leucomelanura, Reichenbach 1851 |
Coraciiformes |
Alcedinidae |
LC |
LC |
Green bee-eater, Merops orientalis orientalis, Latham 1801 |
Coraciiformes |
Meropidae |
LC |
LC |
Asian koel, Eudynamys scolopaceus scolopaceus (Linnaeus 1758) |
Cuculiformes |
Cuculidae |
LC |
LC |
Spotted owlet, Athene brama indica (Franklin 1831) |
Strigiformes |
Strigidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian white-breasted waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus phoenicurus (Pennant 1769) |
Gruiformes |
Rallidae |
LC |
LC |
Common sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos (Linnaeus 1758) |
Charadriiformes |
Scolopacidae |
LC |
LC |
Small Indian kite, Milvus migrans govinda, Sykes 1832 |
Accipitriformes |
Accipitridae |
LC |
LC |
Little cormorant, Microcarbo niger (Vieillot 1817) |
Suliformes |
Phalacrocoracidae |
LC |
LC |
Little egret, Egretta garzetta garzetta (Linnaeus 1766) |
Pelecaniformes |
Ardeidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian pond-heron, Ardeola grayii (Sykes 1832) |
Pelecaniformes |
Ardeidae |
LC |
LC |
Black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus 1758) |
Pelecaniformes |
Ardeidae |
LC |
LC |
Chestnut bittern/Common bittern, Ixobrychus cinnamomeus (Gmelin 1789) |
Pelecaniformes |
Ardeidae |
LC |
LC |
Asian openbill stork, Anastomus oscitans (Boddaert 1783) |
Ciconiiformes |
Ciconiidae |
LC |
LC |
Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus cristatus, Linnaeus 1758 |
Passeriformes |
Laniidae |
LC |
LC |
Rufous treepie, Dendrocitta vagabunda vagabunda (Latham 1790) |
Passeriformes |
Corvidae |
LC |
LC |
Eastern jungle-crow, Corvus macrorhynchos levaillantii, Lesson 1831 |
Passeriformes |
Corvidae |
LC |
LC |
House-crow, Corvus splendens splendens, Vieillot 1817 |
Passeriformes |
Corvidae |
LC |
LC |
Ashy woodswallow, Artamus fuscus, Vieillot 1817 |
Passeriformes |
Artamidae |
LC |
LC |
Black-hooded oriole, Oriolus xanthornus xanthornus (Linnaeus 1758) |
Passeriformes |
Oriolidae |
LC |
LC |
Large cuckoo-shrike, Coracina macei nipalensis (Hodgson 1836) |
Passeriformes |
Campephagidae |
LC |
LC |
Ashy minivet, Pericrocotus divaricatus (Raffles 1822) |
Passeriformes |
Campephagidae |
LC |
LC |
White-throated fantail flycatcher, Rhipidura albicollis stanleyi, Baker 1916 |
Passeriformes |
Rhipiduridae |
LC |
LC |
Black drongo, Dicrurus macrocercus albirictus (Hodgson 1836) |
Passeriformes |
Dicruridae |
LC |
LC |
Indian paradise-flycatcher, Terpsiphone paradisi paradisi (Linnaeus 1758) |
Passeriformes |
Monarchidae |
LC |
LC |
Common iora, Aegithinia tiphia tiphia (Linnaeus 1758) |
Passeriformes |
Aegithinidae |
LC |
LC |
Taiga flycatcher, Ficedula albicilla (Pallas 1811) |
Passeriformes |
Muscicapidae |
LC |
LC |
Oriental magpie robin, Copsychus saularis saularis (Linnaeus 1758) |
Passeriformes |
Muscicapidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian Pied myna, Sturnus contra contra (Linnaeus 1758) |
Passeriformes |
Sturnidae |
LC |
LC |
Chestnut-tailed starling, Sturnus malabaricus (Gmelin 1789) |
Passeriformes |
Sturnidae |
LC |
LC |
Jungle myna, Acridotherus fuscus fuscus (Wagler 1827) |
Passeriformes |
Sturnidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian myna, Acridotherus tristis tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) |
Passeriformes |
Sturnidae |
LC |
LC |
Great tit, Parus major stupae, Koelz 1939 |
Passeriformes |
Paridae |
LC |
LC |
Red-vented bulbul, Pycnonotus cafer bengaensis, Blyth 1845 |
Passeriformes |
Pycnonotidae |
LC |
LC |
Common tailorbird, Orthotomus sutorius patia, Hodgson 1845 |
Passeriformes |
Cisticolidae |
LC |
LC |
Jungle babbler, Turdoides striata striata (Dumont de Sainte Croix 1823) |
Passeriformes |
Leiothrichidae |
LC |
LC |
Pale-billed flowerpecker, Dicaeum erythrorhynchos erythrorhynchos (Latham 1790) |
Passeriformes |
Dicaeidae |
LC |
LC |
Purple sunbird, Nectarinia asiaticus intermedius (Hume 1870) |
Passeriformes |
Nectariniidae |
LC |
LC |
House sparrow, Passer domesticus indicus, Jardine and Selby 1831 |
Passeriformes |
Passeridae |
LC |
LC |
Eurasian tree-sparrow, Passer montanus malaccensis, Dubois 1887 |
Passeriformes |
Passeridae |
LC |
LC |
White-browed wagtail, Motacilla maderaspatensis, Gmelin 1789 |
Passeriformes |
Motacillidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian silverbill, Lonchura malabarica (Linnaeus 1758) |
Passeriformes |
Estrildidae |
LC |
LC |
Scaly-breasted munia, Lonchura punctulata punctulata (Linnaeus 1758) |
Passeriformes |
Estrildidae |
LC |
LC |
Asian house-shrew, Suncus murinus (Linnaeus 1766) |
Eulipotyphla |
Soricidae |
LC |
LC |
Indian grey mongoose, Urva edwardsii (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1818) |
Carnivora |
Herpestidae |
LC |
LC |
Golden jackal, Canis aureus, Linnaeus 1758 |
Carnivora |
Canidae |
LC |
LC |
Dog, Canis familiaris, Linnaeus 1758 |
Carnivora |
Canidae |
Street animal |
Pet animal |
Cat, Felis catus, Linnaeus 1758 |
Carnivora |
Felidae |
Street animal |
Pet animal |
Figure 1. Total number of animals on the basis of their category.
Figure 2. Number of animals on the steps of classification.
Figure 3. Classes and their corresponding animals.
Plate 3. Aquarium inside the canteen.
Plate 4. House-crow.
Bushes of the south portion of field-1, kitchen waste from the students’ hostel and teachers’ quarters-2, canal, culture-pond, five aviaries and one aquarium, and a canal (North―South) were the source of feed and shelter of these animals of the campus (Plate 1). In fact, house-crows (Plate 4) were the most dominant and predator bird all the year round of this school and college. Within the canteen, aquarium with some ornamental fishes increase the beauty of this place (Plate 3). Students’, guardians, and all employees get enjoy at the time of taking snacks. When rainy season (April―May) comes, many Indian bull-frogs and golden monitor-lizards share the pond of this institution (Plate 2). This type of school and college could play a role to watching and preserving animals especially birds. Biology Department of this college is playing a positive attitude to conserve all animals. In future, if it is possible to provide a research fund on this issue, new teachers could get a chance to continue research on the animals of cantonment area.
The authors declare that they have no financial interests or personal relationships that could have influenced this work.