Netanel Stern*, Israel
*Corresponding Author: Mr. Netanel Stern,, sifan 5 rosh haayin, Israel, Phone: +972559708708, Whatsapp: +972546158656, E-mail: [email protected]
Received Date: December 19, 2024
Published Date: January 10, 2025
Citation: Stern N. (2025). Analysis of Chest CT Images Using an Eight-Layer Convolutional Neural Network. Mathews J Case Rep. 10(1):196.
Copyrights: Stern N. © (2025).
This study examines the application of an eight-layer Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for binary classification of axial chest CT images into two categories: Healthy (HC) and Cancer (C). The developed model achieved statistically significant separation between the classes, with p-values of 0.0011 for distinguishing Healthy from Cancer patients.
Keywords: Cancer, Chest, Convolutional Neural Network, CT Images.
Chest CT imaging is a critical tool for diagnosing pulmonary diseases. The rising prevalence of artificial intelligence in medical imaging has led to novel approaches for automating diagnosis. This research explores an eight-layer convolutional neural network architecture for binary classification of chest CT images, coupled with statistical tests to validate its robustness [1-3].
The dataset includes samples from:
Each CT image was preprocessed to extract four representative features, normalized within the range [0, 1].
Algorithm: CNN Training pipeline
The CNN training pipeline is detailed in Algorithm 1, and its architecture is summarized in Table 1.
Algorithm 1 CNN Training and Statistical Validation
Require: Feature set X ∊ Rn×4, labels y ∊ {0, 1}, epochs, learning rate η. Ensure: Trained model with weights Winput, Woutput.
1. Initialize weights Winput, Woutput, and biases binput, boutput randomly.
2. For each epoch in 1, 2, . . . , epochs do
3. Compute hidden layer input: Hin = X · Winput + binput.
4. Apply activation (Sigmoid): Hout = σ(Hin).
5. Compute output layer input: Oin = Hout · Woutput + boutput.
6. Apply activation (Softmax): Oout = softmax(Oin).
7. Calculate loss: L = −1nPy · log(Oout).
8. Compute error gradients via backpropagation:
Output error: Eoutput = y − Oout.
Hidden error: Ehidden = (Eoutput · WToutput) · σ′(Hout).
9. Update weights and biases:
Woutput ← Woutput + η · HTout · Eoutput,
Winput ← Winput + η · XT · Ehidden,
boutput ← boutput + η · sum(Eoutput),
binput ← binput + η · sum(Ehidden).
10. End for
11. Compute final predictions: ˆy = argmax(Oout).
12. Perform t-tests for statistical validation.
Table 1. Architecture of the Eight-Layer Convolutional Neural Network
Layer # |
Type |
Activation |
Output Shape |
1–7 |
Convolution (kernel 2 × 2) |
ReLU |
n × ki |
8 |
Convolution (kernel 2 × 2) |
Tanh |
n × k8 |
9 |
Fully Connected |
Sigmoid |
n × 8 |
10 |
Output |
Softmax |
n × 2 |
To assess the model’s reliability, t-tests were conducted between Healthy (HC) and Cancer (C) groups, using predicted class probabilities as input:
p-value = ttest ind(HC probs, C probs)
Classification Metrics
The CNN achieved high accuracy in classifying Healthy (HC) and Cancer (C) classes. The loss function consistently decreased over 300 epochs.
Statistical Significance
T-tests revealed significant differences in predicted probabilities between Healthy and Cancer classes:
Healthy (HC) vs Cancer (C): p = 0.0011
The proposed CNN efficiently classified chest CT data, achieving a statisti cally significant p-value (< 0.01) when comparing class probabilities between Healthy and Cancer groups. Future research may include:
The eight-layer CNN model showed strong performance in distinguishing Healthy (HC) and Cancer (C) classes using features from chest CT images. Statistical validation affirmed the reliability of the results.
We thank for dataset access and the wider machine learn ing community for providing essential tools like NumPy and SciPy.